Why should you join SASCA?
$5 event discount if you pre-register
Entry into the Year End Awards Banquet
First eligibility for special events and schools
Who can join SASCA?
Anyone 18 years old (or 16 with parental consent) and with a valid driver's license is able to join. Family Memberships are available.
Where can I join SASCA?
Registration for SASCA events is on MotorsportsReg. Become part of the SASCA group so you can find our events easier​
2025 Board of Directors
President | Jeff Chestnut | president@sasca.org |
Vice President | Dallas Cobb | vicepresident@sasca.org |
Treasurer | Michael Roetheli | treasurer@sasca.org |
Secretary | Rachael Acosta | secretary@sasca.org |
Public Releations | Ricky Crow | pr@sasca.org |
2025 Chairs
Novice Chief | Stephanie Reynoso |
Novice Chief | Julio Rosa |
Membership Chief | Jay Cryderman |
Membership Assistant | Eric Yee |
Tech Chief | Justin Thomas |
Worker Chief | Ben Tijerina |
Safety Chief | Glenn McGuyre |
Equipment Manager | Paul Ryan |
Timing and Scoring | Neil Penberthy |
Timing Assistant | NEEDED*** |
Webmasters | NEEDED*** |
General Information and Definitions
​The Board of Directors (BOD) is made up of SASCA's elected officers and its immediate past President. If the immediate past President is an officer, the officers may elect a fifth BOD member.
The BOD appoints various Chairs to handle specific operations. In addition to Safety (required), Equipment, Membership/Registration, Chief of Workers, Timing and Scoring, Novice Chief, and Technical Inspection Chairs are typically appointed.
Unless otherwise stated below, autocross events are governed by the Sports Car Club of America's (SCCA) SOLO II RULES. Since the new rulebook is not available on 1 January, the old rules are used until it is available. The Board of Directors ensures that copies of the current rules and this document are available on the web site.
SCCA rules may be modified by statements in the FASTRACK Releases. A driver is responsible for providing the appropriate FASTRACK if necessary to resolve disputes.
Safety Steward
The Safety Steward and Board of Directors are responsible for ensuring that courses are appropriate and safe. If they can't attend an event, the BOD appoints a temporary Safety Steward.
Eventmasters must review their courses with the Safety Steward and Board of Directors before setting up the course.
The Safety Chair or Board of Directors may change a course at any time if driver or vehicle safety is compromised. If they do so, drivers who have completed any runs get reruns. With the concurrence of the BOD members present, they may suspend or terminate an event if factors other than the course (e.g., weather) compromise driver safety.
Anyone at an event may bring a safety issue to the Chairs' attention.
Membership dues will be $45 per year.
The autocross fee for pre-registered SASCA members is $40.00.
The autocross fee for all others is $50.00.
Autocross fees may be changed for special events.
Members holding a SASCA Chairman position receive free club membership during their active tenure.
An additional event fee of $5 will be levied during the late registration period.
Generally, no registration will be allowed after the close of late registration. The President or his/her representative(s) may consider allowing a driver late registration under dire circumstances. The BOD may modify the default schedule below if events warrant a change.
Driver Restrictions
Drivers may double enter an event, if offered at the event, but only one entry will have standings count for end-of-year Class or Pax trophies. The number of drivers allowed to double enter may be restricted on a first come first served basis.
The Eventmaster or Safety Chair may drive the course before an event to estimate the course time or evaluate course safety. If they are competing, the car used must be other than the one used in competition.
Drivers who do not promptly report to the Worker Chief for work when required will not be allowed to take any further runs. Additionally, any runs taken prior to that time will be changed to DNS (did not show) and their names will be stricken from all results. The BOD may blacklist a driver from future SASCA events for a pattern of failures to report for worker duty.
Event Trophies
The winner of each events "Novice" class will receive a trophy at the end of event or following monthly meeting.
Annual Technical Inspections
Members may conduct their own technical inspection at any event during the year by filling out and signing the annual tech inspection form/checklist. A member of the Technical Inspection team will show them how to inspect their car. Upon verification of driver tech inspection proficiency and signing of the Annual Tech Inspection roster, an annual tech inspection sticker will be granted and must be affixed to the vehicle’s windshield.
Drivers without annual tech inspection stickers must have their cars inspected by the inspection team at every event.
Run Order
Cars are divided into two, three or four approximately equal-sized groups. Each group makes the expected total number of runs until all cars complete a set of runs. Any additional sets follow in the same order. The Worker Chief may change the order prior to the start of the event with the concurrence of the BOD.
At the Worker Chief’s discretion, a driver may be granted permission to run out of order.
Any driver may make Protests. They are limited to the conduct of the event, the classification of a car in the protestant's class, or the Novice status of a driver if they are entered in Novice.
Protests must be filed with the Board of Directors within 15 minutes of the end of the heat in which the alleged infraction occurred.
When a formal procedural protest is presented to the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors interrupts the event until the matter is resolved. If a procedural protest is valid, the Board of Directors corrects the procedure and arranges reruns for drivers who were prejudiced by the inappropriate procedure.
Formal protests of car or driver classification must be filed within 15 minutes after the end of the run heat with the Board of Directors. They must be presented to the Board of Directors in writing and accompanied by a $20.00 protest fee. The Board of Directors then appoints a committee of five to review the protest. Membership typically includes the Safety and Technical Inspection Chairs, a member of the BOD, and another SASCA member. However, no one may be on the committee if its decision affects their status at the event or their end of the year point standings.
The committee may not require disassembly of a protested car. It may require that compartments be opened (engine compartment or any with access covers), that wheels be removed from the car, and that the car be jacked up to allow inspection of the undercarriage.
If a protest of a car or a driver's Novice status is upheld, the Novice or the car driver(s) is disqualified without returning their entry fee(s). The protestor's fee is returned. If the protest is disallowed, the protestor's fee is not returned.
PAX Modifiers
These are Indexed Classes combining multiple classes.
(N) Novice Class: for drivers who have not placed first through third at any Solo II or autocross type motor sports event. Class standings are based on the PAX times generated from the original SCCA class. Novices ranking first in their class are no longer eligible for the class at future events. R-compound tires are not allowed in Novice class.
(T) Street Tire: comprised of cars using DOT tires with a wear ratings of 200 and greater. Class standings are based on the PAX times generated from the original SCCA class. The following classes can run in "Tire" if they have the appropriate tires: SSP, CSP, DSP, ESP, FSP, SMF, SM, SSM, XP, CP, EP ,DP, FP, AM, BM, CM, DM ,EM, FM, KM
(R) Race Tire: The following SCCA classes shall be combined into the “R” class, if they run < 200 TW tires:
The “R” Class standings are based on the PAX times generated from the original SCCA class. Anyone running in “R” can opt to run in “Tire” class if they are on 200+ TW tires. -
(X) X-Pro: is for advanced drivers who typically go to National events that are wanting to group themselves with others in similar competition.
(CA) Cam Class - The CAM class is for vehicles in the CAMS, CAMT, or CAMC classes. Either a Domestic automobile or truck (pick-up or SUV) of front-engine, rear-wheel-drive (FE/RWD) configuration (no electric-powered vehicles).
(U) Class – The U class is for in the SCCA XA, XB and XU classes. RWD imported vehicles that may have extensive engine and/or suspension modifications, but run 200+ TW tires. The class will be designated by a U preceding the car’s regular competition class (ex. UXA, UXB,UXU).
Class Championships
SASCA awards trophies to members with the most points in their open class or local PAX class during the year. A member must compete in at least seven of that years’ SASCA autocross events to be eligible for a trophy. Two lowest-scoring event “drops” are taken into account each season when determining total points for each competitor.
Points for each event are based on the member's ranking within a class. First place is awarded six points; second, four; third, three; fourth, two ; and fifth, one.
Comparing the number of relative standings (1st places, 2nd places, etc.) breaks ties. If a tie persists, two trophies are awarded. Membership status should be active during the last event of the season to be eligible.
PAX Championship
SASCA awards trophies to the five entrants with the highest total PAX points accumulated over the year. Only those competing in seven events are eligible for the trophies.
50 PAX points is awarded to the fastest PAX time at an autocross event. 2nd fastest gets 49 points. Each "next fastest" driver gets 1 point less. All drivers get a minimum of 1 PAX point if they complete the event. Two lowest-scoring event “drops” are taken into account each season when determining total points for each competitor.
Comparing the number of relative standings (1st places, 2nd places, etc.) breaks ties. If a tie persists, two trophies are awarded. Membership status should be active during the last event of the season to be eligible.
Driver of the Year
The BOD may award a trophy to a member who has demonstrated unusual proficiency or improvement in his or her driving skills during a year. The BOD accepts nominations for the award from any member and may generate nominations at any of its meetings.
The BOD votes on nominees after the December event. The nominee with the highest number of votes is awarded the trophy. Ties are broken by a run-off between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. If a tie persists, the BOD discusses the candidates and votes again until the tie is broken.
Novice of the Year
The BOD may award a trophy to a member who competes as a Novice and has demonstrated unusual improvement during his or her first year of autocross competition. The BOD accepts nominations for the award from any member and may generate nominations at any of its meetings.
The BOD votes on nominees after the December event. The nominee with the highest number of votes is awarded the trophy. Ties are broken by a run-off between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. If a tie persists, the BOD discusses the candidates and votes again until the tie is broken.
John C. Cooper Jr. Worker of the Year
This award is presented at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Any member may nominate someone for the award.
(Formerly known as San Antonio Sports Car Association, Inc.)
Name, Purpose and Emblem
Section 1
Name. The name of the corporation shall be SASCA, INC.
Section 2
Purpose. The general purpose of the corporation shall be to encourage the preservation, ownership and operation of Sports Cars, to act as a source of technical information, to establish rules and regulations covering all activities of the corporation, to provide and regulate motor sports events, activities and exhibitions for Sports Cars and their owners, to encourage careful and skillful driving on the public highways, and to own real and personal property, as incidental to the foregoing purposes.
Section 3
Emblem. The Association emblem shall be the letters S A S C A with a line above and below the letters. The area beneath both A characters shall be depicted as orange traffic control cones.
Section 4
The Corporate Seal. The Corporate seal shall be circular in form, being inscribed with the name of the Corporation and the word, "Texas".
Membership, Dues and Fees
Section 1
Regular Membership. All persons wishing to become regular members of SASCA shall be eighteen years of age or older, or not less than sixteen years of age or older with the express written permission of a parent or legal guardian. Regular members shall possess a valid state driver's license. Membership shall be granted upon the payment of dues and fees as may be required.
Section 2
Family Membership. All families wishing to become Family Members of SASCA shall have no less than one individual who meets the provisions of Article II, Section 1. Membership shall be granted upon the payment of dues and fees as may be required. All members of the immediate family as defined by IRS rules regarding claiming a family member as a dependant of the Family Member who meets the eligibility requirements in Article II Section I will be considered Family Members. Family Members shall be entitled to all benefits of Regular Membership.
Section 3
Honorary Membership. Persons whose accomplishments or services for SASCA are deemed worthy of honor shall be elected to the position of honorary membership by a majority vote of those Regular members present.
Section 4
Corporate Memberships. Businesses who support the activities or provide services and goods to SASCA may subscribe to a Corporate membership. Membership shall be granted upon the payment of dues and fees as may be required.
Section 5
Privileges. Regular and Family members who meet the eligibility of regular membership are entitled to all privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office. Honorary and Corporate members are entitled to all privileges of membership, excluding the right to vote and hold office.
Section 6
Expulsion. Membership shall automatically lapse for non-payment of dues effective within one month of payment due date.
Suspension. Membership privileges may be suspended for a maximum of ninety days for an infraction of SASCA rules by vote of the majority of the Board of Directors of SASCA. Upon such suspension, the member shall be so informed in writing and shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard thereon.
Any member suspended as provided above may be presented at the next regular meeting of SASCA for expulsion and shall be expelled if a majority of members present and voting by secret ballot indicate expulsion to be their desire.
Section 7
Resignation. Any member may resign by directing a letter of resignation or so stating their intent to the Secretary of SASCA. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt, providing all indebtedness to SASCA is paid.
Section 8
Annual Dues and Fees. Annual dues shall be required for Regular, Family or Corporate membership.
Fees may be required of the members upon approval by the membership. Fees may include an entry fee or prorated charge for any SASCA sanctioned event or activity.
Meeting of the Members and Voting
Section 1
Annual Meeting.The annual meeting of the members shall be held in December of each year for the election of Officers; reports of Officers and Committees, and such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting.
Section 2
Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held each month, from January through November at the designated place and time agreed upon by the membership.
Section 3
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members may be called by the President or by a majority of the Officers.
Section 4
Notice of Meetings. A written, printed or online notice stating the place, day and hour, shall be given by the Secretary not later than five days in advance of each special meeting. Online notices must appear on the front page of the SASCA website.
Section 5
Meeting Quorum. At all meetings of the members, those regular members present shall constitute a meeting quorum.
Section 6
Voting. All action except amendment of the By-Laws and elections of Officers shall be by majority of those present and voting. Voting by proxy and absentee shall not be allowed for regular business.
Sanctioned Events or Activities
Section 1
Schedule of Events or Activities. Regular members or Officers of SASCA may at any time request a sanctioned event or activity be scheduled for the membership. Events or activities shall be voted upon and approved by the membership at the next meeting prior to said event or activity. A sanctioned event or activity may be approved by the membership for a calendar year schedule.
Section 2
Autocross or Solo II Events. Autocross events sanctioned by SASCA shall be conducted in compliance with the published Sports Car Club of America "Solo I and II Rules" book, in effect for the year in which it takes place, and as modified and approved by the membership and Board of Directors.
Section 3
Other Events or Activities. Other events or activities approved by the membership shall be conducted in strict accordance with these By-Laws or rules approved by the membership and Board of Directors and shall not place the membership in jeopardy or risk of injury or property damage. Co-sanctioned or co-sponsored events will be governed by SASCA and conducted in accordance with the By-Laws and rules pertaining to the event.
Section 1
Officers. The elected Officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They each shall serve for one year or until there is a qualified successor.
Section 2
Election. The election of new Officers shall be at the annual meeting in December. An announcement of nominations shall be posted on the club's website by the Secretary no later than ten days before the election. Proxy votes shall be accepted for election of new Officers.
Section 3
Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President at the meeting in September and such committee shall report at the meeting in November.
Section 4
Board of Directors. The above named Officers duly elected at the annual meeting and the Past President shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Association with all the powers of Directors. If the Past President is an elected officer, the 4 elected Officers shall appoint a 5th BOD member by voting.
Section 5
Officer Vacancies. In case a vacancy shall occur in any of said Offices, the membership shall elect a person to fill the said vacancy until the next annual meeting.
Section 6
Impeachment. Motion for impeachment of an elected Officer of SASCA will be brought before the Board of Directors in written form no later than fifteen days prior to the regular meeting at which it is to be brought before the membership. Said motion shall include charges, grievances, and recommendations. The individual making the motion to the Board of Directors will present the motion to the membership at the next regular meeting. The Board of Directors at that time will present their recommendation to the members present.
Voting on the impeachment shall be at the next regular meeting. Notice shall be provided by mail to the membership no later than ten days prior to said meeting. Approval of impeachment shall constitute a two-thirds majority vote of the membership in attendance.
Section 7
Duties of Officers. The President shall preside at all meeting of the members and Officers and shall perform the duties pertaining to this office. The President may call meetings of the members under the provisions of Article III, Section 3. The President shall be the Chief Executive of SASCA. The President shall be responsible for filing the annual Internal Revenue Service Form 990 by May 15 of each year. Additionally the President shall be responsible for filing the State of Texas Secretary of State's periodic report of the status of SASCA. This report is sent out by the State every 3-5 years.
The Vice President shall attend all meetings of the members and Officers, and shall perform the duties of the President in the President's absence or in the case of the resignation or inability of the President to act. The Vice President shall be the Chairman of the Activities Committee.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and Officers, and shall perform all duties incident to this office and maintain custody of the corporate seal. In the absence of the Secretary from any meeting a "Secretary Pro Tempore" shall be appointed by the presiding Officer.
The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the members and Officers, and shall have custody of all monies, debts and obligations belonging to SASCA. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of SASCA and deposit same in a bank account in the name of SASCA, shall make all payments of debts of SASCA. The Treasurer shall give a report on the financial status of SASCA at meetings of the membership as requested by any BOD member. No obligation, debt or other liability shall be incurred in the name of SASCA by the Treasurer. In the absence of the Treasurer from any meeting a financial report may be provided to the presiding Officer, who will present the report.
Section 8
Board of Director Meetings. Board of Director meetings may be called by any Officer. All Board members will be notified prior to the meeting. The Board shall be tasked with long range planning and formulation of policy, and shall appoint standing committees and conduct normal SASCA business. Three-fifths of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 9
Expenses Incurred by Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall incur no single expense over five hundred dollars ($500.00) without approval of the majority membership present at a duly called meeting.
Section 1
Appointment of Committees. Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as they require from time-to-time, and the Board of Directors shall outline the duties and responsibilities of such Committees.
Section 2
Reports or Actions. All reports or actions taken by a Committee will be voted on by the entire Committee and presented to the Officers at the next Board of Director's meeting.
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of SASCA shall be the calendar year.
Personal Liability
Section 1
General. All persons or groups extending credit to, contracting with or having a claim against SASCA, membership or Officers, shall look only to the funds and property of SASCA for payment of said debt, damage, judgment, or any other money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from SASCA. The Officers shall not be personally liable therefore.
Section 2
Personal Liability. Under no circumstances shall SASCA membership or Officers be responsible for any debts, damages or liabilities of any kind, or notes, incurred or sustained by any persons acting in SASCA's name, without prior written approval from the Officers.
Personal Liability
Section 1
Proposal of Amendment. The Officers or any regular member of SASCA in good standing may propose an amendment to the By-Laws or Articles of Incorporation. Upon such proposal, a copy of the proposed amendment will be submitted to the Board of Directors no later than fifteen days prior to the next meeting at which time the proposal shall be made to the membership. The Board shall make their recommendations known at said meeting.
Section 2
Notice of Proposal and Approval. Formal notice of the proposed amendment to the By-Laws or Articles of Incorporation shall be emailed to the membership at the email address noted on their membership application or as updated in writing to SASCA's Secretary no later than ten days prior to the next meeting at which the proposal will be voted upon. Approval shall constitute a majority vote of those who vote. Proxy votes shall be accepted.
Leads from Henry Dick Coakley in Helotes and Frank Braugton
A History ... and then some.
The main line of this story is taken from an article by Mike Scott. He and his wife, Lou, have been SASCA members since 1975 and, from the late 70's through most of the 80's, were the editorial team that kept Tale Lites going with a mimeograph machine in their home. At a party they hosted on the Friday night after an event, members labored over a manual typewriter cutting the stencils. When a page was finished, other members juiced the mimeograph and, literally, cranked out the issue. Then we all sat around folding, stapling, addressing, and stamping the issue. It was like tuning the Fiat in its original state - replace spark plugs, condenser, points, and check the timing at least every 10,000 miles. There were no computers or extended service periods in those days. Tale Lites was a joint labor of love and a time for members to get to know each other. This is not to say that we should return to those days but with SASCA's recent growth, it would be nice to somehow recreate the camaraderie.
Mike gave me the names of several people who were members in the early days and they provided bits and pieces of SASCA's history. Among them were George Meeks and Henry Whittle. I used their reminiscences to fill out the original article.
In 1948 a group of young men, mainly servicemen who had brought sports cars home from Europe, started racing in the San Antonio area under the name "Happy Bottoms". (The source of this information refused to expand on the origin of the name.) It is believed to have been something of a party club as well. The racing was much like road racing today but much more basic. Nobody trailed their cars to events. Tape the headlights on your daily driver, lower the top, remove the windshield, and hit the track.
The group changed their name to the Vagabonds in 1951. Late in its life, something called gymkhana became popular and the Vagabonds started running the events. While much like autocross, gymkhana emphasized low speed, very short, and often imaginative courses. Over the years, gymkhana in the United States grew and changed. Courses became longer, faster, and more straightforward. The name also changed to autocross, probably because it was easier to pronounce and spell. There was yet another name change, this one by SCCA. They called gymkhana/autocross to Solo II because they could register the name and then write the rules. SASCA can not call an event a "Solo II" but autocross is generic. They still gymkhana in England. I read an article about it a few years ago. Their sites are apparently no more than half of the size of our area at Retama Park and often smaller. The courses are "imaginative" which to them means things like "boxes" in the middle of the course - drive in, stop, back out, and continue the march.
In 1957, as gymkhana became more popular and road racing more expensive, the Vagabonds splintered. The main branch changed its name to SASCA. Our President still uses their gavel to conduct meetings. SASCA's principle interest remained gymkhana. The splinter became the Alamo Region of SCCA and its main focus became road racing. Henry Whittle recalls that, when he came to San Antonio in '59, he was told that he couldn't join the Alamo Region unless he was going to road race. (Henry has been a SCCA member for 43 years and is still active as Alamo Region's membership chairman.) Of course, that was nonsense, as he told them. Alamo Region was forced to accept him as a SCCA member in good standing who was transferring from Kansas City. While there may have been some animosity between SASCA and Alamo Region, then, as now, some belong to both clubs. In any event, Alamo Region was so focused on road racing that they even leased Zuel Field, an old airstrip in the area, and set up their own race course. George Meeks, a SASCA member from about 1960 to 1980 who was also an Alamo Region member, recalls they even had it repaved. Unfortunately, the paving was done with a surface of pea gravel that, as you can imagine, ruined a number of paint jobs. They also sponsored a street race in Austin. Alamo Region had other problems that eventually led to yet another splitter group that, in the '60s, became the Austin chapter of SCCA. The two smaller groups were unable to maintain their race schedules and there hasn't been road racing in this area for more than 20 years. But let me get back to SASCA's history.
Two interesting events occurred in 1965. The first was that SASCA again splintered. A group with a primary interest in road rallyes became the Checkpointers Sport Rallye Club. (Do not confuse such events with some of the gimmick rallyes currently run by some of the marquee clubs.) Over the next ten years, Checkpointers ran numerous events and fathered the "Border Rallye" from San Antonio to Laredo. Both the Checkpointers and the Border Rallye gained an admirable reputation in south Texas. Checkpointers also developed an excellent autocross program. George Meeks recalls that there were several abortive attempts to unify the two organizations. Seems the major problem was choosing a name for the proposed merger. The closest the tow negociating teams got was the name ACE (Alamo Car Enthusiasts). In the mid 70's gasoline prices plus the work involved in putting on a good rallye caused Checkpointers to close its doors.
The other was a unique issue of Tale Lites. George Meeks and another member reported first hand coverage from the Sebring road race. While it seems a trivial task these days, it was a major task to get the photos published for Tale Lites since copies were reproduced using a mimeograph machine. Pages with photographs were expensive. Spokes and Alamo Region agreed to share the set up costs so their readers got the report as well. That was not the only instance of SASCA's cooperation with other clubs. In the 80's SASCA, the Corpus Christi SCCA Region, and Spokes held TriCrosses. On a rotating basis, each club hosted an event to see which had the best drivers/machines. Points were awarded based on the top five drivers from each class and the club with the high number of points won the event. In the 90's, SASCA hosted a South Texas Championship autocross in November that drew drivers from Houston, Dallas, Corpus, and various towns within that area. Both the TriCross and the South Texas Championships petered out for a variety of good and bad reasons.
SASCA also put on their own rallys. The most interesting series was one In the early 70's, SASCA's Annual Mid Summer All Night Rally. It start at 9 pm and wandered as far as Buda and Luckenbach. The short name was “8 Hours of Texas”. The obvious difficulty in finding checkpoints at night lead to the use of powerful flash lights an the near arrest of one team for spot lighting deer, and illegal method of hunting (Deer will freeze when hit with an intense beam of light making them easy targets.). These events ended up with a huge, 7 am breakfast. Why night ralleys? You beat the heat and make them more interesting.
As those of you who were members in early 1999 will recall, finding a place to run was difficult after Brooks Air Force Base annulled our contract in favor of renting the space to make the Base more self sufficient. The same problem has faced SASCA at various times over its long history. We've run on the east side of Hemisfair before IH 37 was built, at the east end of North Star Mall before the multilevel parking garage was built, on the south side parking area of Central Park Mall, at Kelly Air Force Base, and on a parking lot on the south side of Loop 410 before the building with the bronzed, sloping glass wall was built, and on the lot of Northeast Independent School District's Blossom Athletic Center. There we occassionally had to change our routine third Sunday date to accommodate the Spurs. They use to use the Center for practices. As an interesting sidelight, George Meeks showed me an ad for one of the 1969 events at Central Park Mall. Entry fees were $2.00 formembers and $3.00 for others. Registration started at 12:30 and timed runs began an hour later.
Throughout its history, SASCA has tried to do its part for the community. In the early years, it held an annual rallye to benefit San Antonio's Boysville. For at least two years SASCA teams also manned the phones for KLRN's annual auction. In the mid 80's it held an annual autocross to benefit Easter Seals. SASCA has held several events to benefit the Air Force Assistance Fund. From the late '80s until the end of 1998, when base closing pressures made Brooks Air Force Base unavailable, we donated a significant chunk of our entry fees to the Brooks Air Force Base Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Fund. (If you're wondering about the Air Force connection, it is said that General Curtis Lemay, while heading the Strategic Air Command, bought sports cars from recreation funds and sponsored road races on Air Force Bases to increase his flight crews' competitive edge.)
One of the more interesting public service events was the "Drunk-cross". To help publicize the effects of drink on driving, SASCA joined with the then new Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, the San Antonio Police Department, and an anonymous beer distributor. Selected drivers were timed over a many coned, short course while stone cold sober. They and several reporters then partook of free beer and were monitored by SAPD breath analyzers to determine their state of inebriation. At various stages, they again tried the course. The point being to see how times went up and cones went down. One member cleaned out more cones than we could count. Seems he might have done better but, in his drunken state, he just didn't care. Another, surprisingly, went faster (practice?) and didn't down any cones. MADD ignored his results. (It must be admitted that he is one of the finest drivers ever to turn a wheel at our events. He no longer autocrosses but recently was first in the nation in a street rodder competition taking into account his car's overall appearance, quarter mile time, and handling in an autocross-like event. This in a car that was driven over 1000 miles to the event and back.) When it was all over, designated drivers took the drunks home.
What payment types are accepted?
SASCA accepts Cash, Checks, Debit, and Credit Cards. Please also have your driver's license ready during check-in.
Do I have to register online?
No, you may register on-site the day of the event but it's easier on both you and us if you preregister online to streamline your time through check-in at the trailer in the morning.
Do I pay online or at the event?
Whether you register online or on-site, you will pay when you check in at the trailer on event day.
How long do I have to preregister online?
You have until midnight two nights before the event to preregister online. If the event is Saturday then you have until Thursday evening.
What if I'm preregistered and I have to change a number/class/car/etc on event day?
You may change what you need to on event day during the check-in process at the trailer. Just go to the non-preregistered side of the trailer (the side with the computer) in order to change details on your registration.
How do I register for the 'Double' PAX class?
Doubles are no longer pre-register option. We are currently limiting the Double class to the first 15 drivers who sign up at the event. Please see our Doubles Page for more information.
When it's allowed
110 pre-registered people are required in order to run doubles on event-day.
It is up to the club's BOD to revoke the Doubles segment for an event for any reason.
Doubles-Entry fees will be refunded or credited towards the next event if Doubles is canceled after registration ends.
Must be pre-registered with your Open class for the event on MotorsportsReg.
Must check-in on event day. The first 15 to check-in will make it on the Doubles list.
If you were not pre-registered, check back when registration is about to close to see if there are any open slots.
Work Assignment
You will need to work once for each of your entries (Doubles = 2 entries, which means you work twice).
There are several scenarios that affect how doubles drivers run/work:
Three+ Heat Events
If the event has three heats, you must work one work assignment in the morning or during the event
You must pack the trailer at the end of the event. (No exceptions)
Two Heat Events
Complete all of your Open and Double runs in the one heat that you don't work.
Work one assignment during the event
You must pack the trailer at the end of the event. (No exceptions)
You must run your Open runs first, either in 1st or 2nd heat.
Your Doubles runs will be during your "off" heat, so 2nd or 3rd heat, relative to your Open runs.
Running Doubles does NOT inherently grant you rights to morning work. Morning work assignments are still assigned based upon a separate first come/first served basis. SASCA BOD determines if Doubles will be offered after online registration closes before the event date. SASCA BOD reserves the right to cancel doubles entries for any reason. Upon cancelation on event day, and if attendees have already paid for doubles entries, refunds will be given for Doubles entries.